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The Research and Education Department of Peking University International Hospital is responsible for medical student education, graduate education, standardized training for specialized physicians, and continuing medical education. Since its opening, we have achieved significant results in education and teaching work. Since 2015, we have won one third prize in the Beijing Teachers' Basic Skills Competition (Medical Category), two first prizes and one third prize in the Peking University Young Teachers' Basic Skills Competition (Medical Category), and two Excellent Organization Awards.


As the Eighth Clinical Medical School of Peking University, PKUIH has been responsible for the education and teaching management of 54 undergraduate clinical medicine majors in the Medical Department of Peking University since 2019; PKUIH has been approved to establish one master's degree training center in the Medical Department of Peking University, to cultivate two academic graduate students majoring in general surgery, and to cultivate 25 visiting scholars from the Medical Department of Peking University. We have trained over 600 physicians and caregivers in various medical institutions across the country, and cultivated 835 interns majoring in medical technology, nursing, and pharmacy from various medical colleges. The hospital receives an average of 10 national level continuing education projects and 20 municipal level continuing education projects annually. Our hospital has achieved full coverage of continuing medical education.



Peking University International Hospital, in the early stages of constructing the main building in 2012, designed and constructed a teaching and research building with an area of 8161 square meters, including 4 staircase classrooms, 8 flat classrooms, a clinical competency training center, an OSCE assessment area (21 stations), 4 PBL classrooms, 5 simulated operating rooms, anatomy rooms, and remote video teaching areas, through multiple expert on-site demonstrations. More than 40 million yuan have been spent to purchase basic and specialized teaching equipment and facilities that meet the requirements of undergraduate teaching, specialized resident physician teaching, and graduate teaching at a high standard. At present, the Clinical Competency Training Center has sorted out a total of 62 training projects, including 9 internal medicine training, 13 surgical training, 10 obstetrics and gynecology training, 4 pediatric training, 23 nursing department training, 2 emergency and first aid training, and 1 ophthalmic training. We have undertaken the training tasks of resident physicians, specialists, clinical nurses, clinical trainees, and interns in our hospital. The annual training volume of the Clinical Competency Training Center can reach 25000 person class hours.


        The Research and Education Department of Peking University International Hospital is responsible for the management of teaching and scientific research work throughout the hospital, providing technical and financial services throughout the entire process of project application, approval, operation, and conclusion.

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